Steering Committee
The Steering Committee (SC) will have the role of representing the interests of PUI network institutions as part of the PR-INBRE governance structure. The SC members will provide their insight on the performance of the PR-INBRE Program to the PI through their participation in regularly scheduled biannual meetings.
Steering Committee (SC) consist of 7 voting members representing each PUI (selected by the University President or Chancellor) and one representative for each of the two research institutions, including the PR-INBRE PC. The PI of the Phase II COBRE in Puerto Rico and the UPR Vice President will be invited as ex-officio members for a total of 11 members. The PR-INBRE PI will preside over the SC. Outreach Institution representatives may attend SC meetings by invitation from the PI. The PI will establish the agenda of these meetings and minutes will be taken and archived for future reference. PUI network institutions have confirmed their participation through letters of support (see Letters of support). The SC will have the role of representing the interests of PUI network institutions as part of the PR-INBRE governance structure. The SC members will provide their insight on the performance of the PR-INBRE Program to the PI through their participation in regularly scheduled biannual meetings. The Mid-year progress reports and a final draft of the Annual RPPR are made available to all the SC members allowing them to make informed assessments.