Science and Technology Competency Enhancement (STCE) Core

The STCE provides training through tuition support for specialized short courses and workshops, research experience for students through JRA, support for visiting speakers through a seminar tours program, and professional development for student and faculty via travel support to scientific meetings. 

The objective of the STCE is to increase the research and technical skills of the biomedical workforce in Puerto Rico and encourage a greater number of undergraduate and graduate students and postdoctoral associates to pursue careers in science and technology by providing hands-on research opportunities for graduate and undergraduate students at network institutions to increase the numbers of undergraduate students that are competitive to enter graduate programs and compete for jobs in industry.

The STCE will facilitate access to specialized research and technical training courses and postdoctoral associates including new opportunities for instruction on 1) protection and commercialization of IPs, 2) entrepreneurship, and 3) data science.

Core Activities

Students Summer Internship Program: The Program will stimulate initiating research opportunities for junior faculty with potential for competitive funding, develop partnerships between the network institutions and research collaborations between faculty from Undergraduate Institutions and Mentoring Institutions.


Tuition and Thematic Technical Workshop:  The STCE will provide for undergraduate, post-baccalaureate, and graduate students, direct tuition funding for short-term (up to 6 months) training in areas of science and technology relevant to the needs of emerging as well as established biopharmaceutical, biotechnological, and research enterprises in Puerto Rico in addition, is will offer Thematic Technical Workshops, a hands-on training experience according to the needs of groups involved.


Technology Transfer Awards: The program will provide Travel Award to students and faculty of Undergraduate Institutions to receive research training at mainland institutions. The objective of this program will be to enhance the research competence of our research faculty and students, promote research collaborations between faculty in Puerto Rico and their peers in other states that will expand the research network between IDeA states.


Travel Awards Program: Research opportunities for students from the undergraduate institutions. Investigators and students will have the opportunity to visit research laboratories for up to four weeks to learn a technique whose implementation in their work will enhance their results as well as their research capacity and transfer new technology to Puerto Rico.


Students Fellowships: Incentives are needed to attract more students into science, technology, mathematics, and engineering fields, particularly minorities and women into biotechnology research. Graduate and undergraduate fellowships will be awarded to candidates who present high quality applications to work on multidisciplinary research within the INBRE research networks.


Seminar Tours: This project will allow for internationally recognized scientists to lecture during 3 consecutive days throughout the INBRE institutions in order to attract promising students into science majors and to provide additional opportunities for exposure to cutting-edge research.



We invite you to meet STCE students (undergraduates and graduates) from all PR-INBRE network institutions.

Undergraduate Students

2023 – 2024

Acevedo, Reidiliz

Institution: Univ. Interamericana – Bayamón

Mentor: Dr. Claudia Ospina

Program: Microbiology

Alonso, Alondra

Institution: UAGM – Cupey

Mentor: Dr. Beatriz Zayas


Aponte, Adriana

Institution: Univ. Interamericana – Bayamón

Mentor: Dr. Michelle M. Martínez

Program: Biology

Carrasquillo, Jefxander

Institution: URP – Río Piedras

Mentor: Dr. Nilda Medina

Program: Psicology

Estrada, Stephanie

Institution: UPR – Cayey

Mentor: Dr. Yamcy Ferrer

Program: Biology

Hernandez, Alejandro L.

Institution: UPR – Cayey

Mentor: Dr. Enrique Rodriguez-Borrero


Negroni, Ariana

Institution: UPR -Mayaguez

Mentor: Dr. Juan Lopez-Garriga

Program: Biology

Olivieri, Gerianne

Institution: URP – Río Piedras

Mentor: Dr. Filipa Godoy

Program: Microbiology

Rivera, Jonathan

Institution: UPR – Río Piedras

Mentor: Dr. Lisandro Cunci


Torres, José

Institution: UPR -Bayamón

Mentor: Dr. Yancy Ferrer

Program: Biology

2022 – 2023

Aviles-Mercado, Rocio del Mar

Institution: Univ. Interamericana – Metro


Program: Biology

Birriel-Rodríguez, Leonardo

Institution: UPR – Río Piedras

Mentor: Dr. Ingrid Montes

Program: Chemistry

Hernandez-Padilla, Alejandro

Institution: UPR – Cayey

Mentor: Dr. Enrique Rodríguez-Borrero

Program: Biology

Hernandez-Solis, Fatimma

Institution: Univ. Ana G. Mendez – Cupey

Mentor: Dr. Beatriz Zayas

Program: Chemistry

Maldonado-Vargas, Neymar

Institution: Univ. Interamericana – Bayamón

Mentor: Dr. Claudia Ospina-Millan

Program: Biology

Mendez-Escalera, Daviana L.

Institution: Univ. Ana G. Méndez – Carolina

Mentor: Dr. Loyda Méndez

Program: Microbiology

Nieves-Oquendo, Paola C.

Institution: Univ. Interamericana – Bayamón

Mentor: Dr. Caludia Opina-Millan

Program: Biology

Oliveri-Henry, Gerianne

Institution: UPR – Río Piedras

Mentor: Dr. Filipa Godoy

Program: Biology

Rosario-Luquis, Omaris

Institution: UPR – Cayey

Mentor: Dr. Enrique Rodríguez-Borrero

Program: General Natural Sciences

Valentín-López, Keren

Institution: Univ. Ana G. Méndez – Cupey

Mentor: Dr. José Rodriguez / Nataliya Chorna

Program: Biology

Graduate Students

2023 – 2024

Cotto, Neishaiz

Institution: Pontifical Catholic University of PR

Mentor: Dr. Ceidy Torres

Program: MS Neurosciences Neurobiology

Ufarry, Axel

Institution: Pontifical Catholic University of PR

Mentor: Dr. Ceidy Torres

Program: MS Neurosciences Neurobiology

2022 – 2023

García Cortés, Carlos G.

Institution: UPR – Mayaguez

Mentor: Dr. Elsie Pares

Program: MS Chemistry

Rodríguez López, Elliot R.

Institution: Ponce Health Sciences University

Mentor: Dr. Vanessa Rivera-Amil

Program: PhD Biochemical Sciences

Pérez, Dariashka

Institution: UCC

Mentor: Dr. Yancy Ferrer-Acosta


Ufarry Alvarado, Axel

Institution: Pontifical Catholic Univerity of PR

Mentor: Dr. Ceidy Torres

Program: MS Neurobiology

Velez Crespo, Grace E.

Institution: UCC


Program: PhD Biochemical Sciences

Ortiz Rivera, Jescelica

Institution: UCC


Program: PhD Biochemical Sciences

Our Staff

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