Bioinformatics Resource Core

The BiRC Core (BiRC) is a robust multidisciplinary resource for supporting data science and high-throughput biomedical studies in the PR-INBRE network and advancing local capability in bioinformatics and computational biology. The mission of BiRC is to provide researchers of the PR-INBRE network and their collaborators with all the experience and expertise required to efficiently and cost effectively conduct next generation research in a collaborative environment.

BiRC will stimulate use of core facilities with training and education support to DRPP investigators, specifically in the applications of bioinformatics, to increase  scientific productivity in the network, include bioinformatics in DRPP research projects and increase the research capabilities in Bioinformatics of the investigators at the PR-INBRE through a core lead by an interdisciplinary group of investigators, that combines the expertise of biologists, biochemists, bioinformaticians, mathematicians and computer scientists.

PR-INBRE Bioinformatics Resource Core (BiRC) offers a wide spectrum of activities, capabilities, and expertise for supporting Biomedical research, education, and services. In general terms, these may be classified as follows:

BiRC Services

Research Resources

  • Support in the establishment of local and international collaborations with bioinformatics experts and resources
  • Provisioning of data processing infrastructure (software and hardware)
  • Consulting in all aspects of Bioinformatics data processing, analysis and modeling
  • Assistance in  planning, designing and analyzing biological laboratory experiments.
  • Assistance in planning, statistical design, and analysis to a wide array of experimenters in Engineering and the Sciences to (1) characterize a process, (2) Build statistical models and machine learning algorithms for prediction, and (3) making optimal decisions.
  • Identification of Bioinformatics problems and solutions in biomedical research endeavors
  • Organization of seminars and workshops with local and international experts
  • Organization of activities and educational experiences that expose students and faculty to
    the current developments in the field, as well as engaging them in research and collaboration.

Professional Training

  • Training of scientists and professionals in the knowledge and skills necessary to use bioinformatics tools effectively
  • Training on database fundamentals (e.g., relational design, SQL, NoSQL)
  • Training on big data tools, such as Hadoop, Spark, RHadoop, SparkR, and PySpark
  • Training to scientists and professionals in the knowledge and skills necessary to manage big data systems
  • Training of computing systems administration personnel in the implementation and maintenance of Bioinformatics software systems

Consulting Services

  • Consulting in all aspect of Bioinformatics data analysis but particularly in the design and implementation of algorithmic pipelines
  • Consulting in all aspects of Big Data management systems
  • Assistance in the writing and evaluation of proposals concerning or involving Bioinformatics
  • Advising the university, government and business community in how to integrate bioinformatics services


  • Production of short, self-contained instructional units, each on a particular Bioinformatics topic.
  • Assistance in the design of Bioinformatics curricula.
  • Training of potential Bioinformatics instructors on the delivering of Bioinformatics lectures, teaching assessment, and updating of materials and contents.

BiRC Subcores Diagram

The overall goal of the Bioinformatics Research Core (BiRC) is therefore to increase research collaborations in bioinformatics between PUI researchers and Lead institution researchers by providing bioinformatics infrastructure, training and education support.

Bioinformatics Educational Modules

Developed by Dr. Jaime Seguel, Faculty at UPR-Mayaguez, and students

  • Modules Topics
  • Bioinformatics
  • Biology of Genomes
  • Big Biomedical Data Analysis
  • Statistical Methods in Bioinformatics

Available in YouTube Channel and PRINBRE Moodle:

Click on any of the following links to view Bioinformatics Educational.

Our Staff

Meet PRINBRE Cores Directors and Staff Members